A to Z Ministries
The 42nd Street Fellowship was founded more than 20 years ago as an affinity group for older singles, whether divorced, widowed, or never married. Most members today are retired. The …42nd Street Fellowship
WORSHIP A worship ministry for youth ages 10 through high school who serve at Sunday services, contributing to the parish in a meaningful way, learning about the care we bring to the worship of…Acolytes
INQUIRE & LEARN The Adult Formation Support Team plan and implement programimg for our Sunday Forums, Wednesday courses, special events and retreats that stimulate our imagination about living …Adult Formation Team
WORSHIP The Altar Guild supports the celebration of the Liturgy, setting out the vessels for the Eucharist before services, cleansing and putting them away afterwards. We work in teams to keep …Altar Guild
INQUIRE & LEARN Benedictine Cell offers a centuries old, yet surprisingly sturdy model of reflection and meditation for addressing the daily stuff of life-work, relationships with others, issue…Benedictine Cell
INQUIRE & LEARN Discuss the scripture readings for the week and reflect on their meaning for our faith journeys and St. C's mission in the community.
Sundays, 9:30am during the summer, 10:00am…Bible, Coffee & Conversatation
INQUIRE & LEARN Centering Prayer is a contemporary method of Christian meditation without thoughts, words, images or feelings, designed to open the mind and heart to a deeper relationship with …Centering Prayer
MUSIC The Chamber Orchestra rehearses weekly, and often plays prelude and postlude at the 11:15 am Church Nave services, and enhances congregational and choral singing on festive occasions unde…Chamber Orchestra Music Ministry
MUSIC Summer Singers is a pick-up choir that forms each Sunday during the summer to learn and sing special music for that morning's worship. The group gathers in the music room at 9:45 am for a…Choir & Handbells
CONNECT A ministry focusing on hospitality and welcoming, the Coffee Hour Helpers make and serve refreshments on Sunday mornings. CONTACT: NANCY TWIST | E-MAILCoffee Hour Helpers
Named for a beloved former parish priest, the Craig Eder Library has more than 6,000 titles for parishioners of all ages and interests, with a full library catalogue available…Craig Eder Library
INQUIRE & LEARN The Discernment Ministry offers encouragement to the people and ministries of St. C's as they open their hearts to hear God's will. This ministry offers classes, book groups and…Discernment
The St. Columba's Environment Committee was formed by a small group of parishioners in 2001, with three principal objectives - understanding how our faith calls us to be stewards of God's crea…Environment Committee
St. Columba's Fathers' Group offers men with children at home and recent empty-nesters a community where we learn how to use God's tools to build and develop our lives as fathers and leaders o…Fathers' Group
INQUIRE & LEARN First Monday Prayer Group meets for deep listening for God's voice and guidance in our daily lives. Using the African-Lambeth method of prayer, they take turns reading passages …First Monday Prayer Group
The Flower Delivery Ministry delivers small baskets of altar flowers to parishioners to mark the joy of a happy event, such as a birth or baptism, to give thanks for a special service to…Flower Delivery
Every Sunday (except during Lent and Advent), the flowers that decorate our church are crafted by the Flower Guild, a faithful group of parishioners who bring the beauty of Creation i…Flower Guild
SERVE St. Columba's was a founding partner of Friendship Place, whose goal is to end homelessness in Washington, DC. We support Friendship Place financially and provide volunteers. CONTACT: ING…Friendship Place
INQUIRE & LEARN Friendship Terrace Bible Study meets weekly to discuss the readings for the day as prescribed in the Revised Common Lectionary. Looking at the readings as a group offers a dynam…Friendship Terrace Bible Study
The Good Shepherds ministry offers home-cooked meals to parishioners who have experienced illness or are in a time of transition. They serve as cooks, drivers or coordinators, and their …Good Shepherds
Peace, peace, to the far and the near, says the Lord; and I will heal them (Isaiah 57.19) Where can I come for Prayers for Healing?Healing Prayer Ministry
-The Healing Rite: Prayers for Healing
St Columba's Healing R…
INQUIRE & LEARN As we live out our Christian faith in a diverse, interrelated world of many faiths and beliefs, the mission of Interfaith Partnerships is to work towards connecting faith commun…Interfaith Partnerships
INQUIRE & LEARN St. Columba's Labyrinth Ministry offers the sacred path of the labyrinth to all people, regardless of faith, age, or ability, as a peaceful space for prayer, reflection and rene…Labyrinth Ministry
As we gather for worship, the Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy as we 'feed' large numbers of people each Sunday, working in teams to administer the chalice of wine. CO…Lay Eucharistic Ministry
WORSHIP Lay Readers are responsible for reading scripture and leading the Prayers of the People. After an initial training session, readers are assigned to one of four teams that serve about on…Lay Readers
SERVE St. Columbans join forces with Loaves and Fishes to prepare and serve meals to about 200 homeless men, women and children at St. Stephen and the Incarnation. CONTACT: JOE KOLAR | E-MAILLoaves & Fishes
WORSHIP Join the Morning Prayer ministry and start your weekday with prayer led by a lay leader with appointed lectionary readings, beautiful canticles and collects from the Book of Common Pray…Morning Prayer
The Mothers’ Group seeks to strengthen our faith by sharing our experiences as mothers, and meets in fellowship to discuss the realities of motherhood – both the challenges and the blessings –…Mothers' Group
The Prayer Chain fulfills all prayer requests, offering individual prayers for those in need.
Prayer Chain
SERVE The Prison Ministry Working Group seeks to educate ourselves and the parish on issues of incarceration and prison reform, to better understand the struggles of returning citizens and supp…Prison Ministry Working Group
In Rebuilding Together, St. Columbans join hands on the last two Saturdays in April to refurbish the homes of low-income, elderly or handicapped District residents, providing all levels…Rebuilding Together
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...I was a stranger and you invited me in...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters o…Refugee Response Ministry
WORSHIP A worship ministry for older youth who serve at Sunday services, contributing to the parish in a meaningful way, learning about the care we bring to the worship of God. These are older …Sacristans
SERVE A founding partner of this community ministry, St. Columba’s helps the homeless and others in need through Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington's Next Step self-sufficiency program. …Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington
SERVE The Second Tuesday Grate Patrol is a family-oriented sandwich-making effort offering food and fellowship to people who are homeless and in need in downtown Washington; a partnership with …Second Tuesday Grate Patrol
SERVE Serving Our Neighbor (SON) is a week of summer service for middle schoolers who have completed 6th grade; they spend their mornings doing community service work in downtown Washington and…Serving Our Neighbor (SON)
SERVE In partnership with Heart and Hand Ministries, Barbour County, WV, St. Columba’s teens work with families to help repair or rebuild their homes, gaining opportunities for worship and refl…St. Columba's Appalachia Project (SCAP)
The Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one, high quality care from a trained lay caregiver in a wide range of life’s more difficult situations including grief, divorce, job loss, illness, pa…Stephen Ministers
Sticks-in-Stitches gathers monthly to knit, crotchet or do other needlework projects, working individually but often as a group on projects for the Water Ministry, pastoral care and o…Sticks-in-Stitches
Stirring the Waters: A Ministry for Racial Justice
INQUIRE & LEARNThursday Morning Bible Study
WORSHIP Our ushers provide a warm welcome, a bulletin to help navigate the service and directions to available seats and to communion. Ushers work in teams, serving approximately one Sunday ser…Ushers
WORSHIP A verger is a lay person who assists at worship as an ecclesiastical stage manager, if you will. At St. Columba's, we look to them to lead the procession on Sundays and provide directio…Vergers
The Water Ministry offers community and hospitality to those in need in our neighborhood. We provide showers, laundry service, a place to relax and talk, and a hot midday meal. Parishioners …Water Ministry
All parishioners play an important role in making St. Columba's a friendly, welcoming and Spirit-filled place for visitors and regular worshippers alike, and the Welcome Ministry lead…Welcome Ministry
The Youth Council is a dedicated group of adults around the parish who work closely with the Director of Youth Ministries in the leadership of youth programs at St. Columba's.…Youth Council