Funerals and Memorial Services
The occasion of a funeral or memorial service provides an opportunity for friends and family to gather and give thanks for a life and commend their loved one to the eternal love of God. One of the most moving services of the church is the Burial of the Dead (found in The Book of Common Prayer, p. 491–505). At a funeral service, the body or cremated remains are present; a memorial service is one where the remains are not present.
Depending upon the family’s wishes and room availability, receptions following a funeral or memorial service may take place in the Common or Great Hall.
Clergy are always ready to offer prayers for someone who has died and walk with you through the profound mystery of grief and loss.
To reach a member of the clergy concerning a death, call the parish office at 202-363-4119. If it is after office hours, you will be prompted on how to reach a clergy member.
For information on planning a funeral at St. Columba's:
Funeral Planning Packet for Families
Suggested Scriptures for Funerals