St. Columba's Adult Formation Series
May 21, 2023 |
Rev. Joseph Thompson, Ph.D " Exploration of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program
|Rev. Joseph Thompson, Ph.D " Exploration of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program
Forum: Bear Fruits Worthy of Repentance: An Exploration of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program
Sunday, May 21st at 10:15am
Join the Rev. Joseph Thompson, Ph.D. for a discussion of the guiding principles in the design of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program. Their program was reported in the New York Times. Thompson serves Virginia Theological Seminary as Associate Dean of Multicultural Ministries and as a member of the faculty in the area of Practical Theology. His courses and administrative work help to ensure that seminarians engage with issues of race, justice, and intercultural awareness as part of their theological education. His teaching and research interests include the theological and spiritual dimensions of racial ideology in the USA, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the reparations movement. He holds a Ph.D. in African American Studies and English from Yale University.
Sunday, May 21st at 10:15am
Join the Rev. Joseph Thompson, Ph.D. for a discussion of the guiding principles in the design of the Virginia Theological Seminary Reparations Program. Their program was reported in the New York Times. Thompson serves Virginia Theological Seminary as Associate Dean of Multicultural Ministries and as a member of the faculty in the area of Practical Theology. His courses and administrative work help to ensure that seminarians engage with issues of race, justice, and intercultural awareness as part of their theological education. His teaching and research interests include the theological and spiritual dimensions of racial ideology in the USA, as well as the moral and ethical implications of the reparations movement. He holds a Ph.D. in African American Studies and English from Yale University.
Apr 30, 2023 |
Can We Still Hope? with Robert Musil
|Can We Still Hope? with Robert Musil
Topic: Can We Still Hope? Rachel Carson, Environmental Justice, and Climate Change of Biblical Proportions
Bob Musil, President of the Rachel Carson Council (RCC) and long-time environmental, justice, and peace leader, will talk about the work of the RCC and what secular Americans and modern Christians can do for environmental justice and climate change when there seems to be little cause for hope in the face of increasingly dire scientific predictions. He will also sign copies of two of his books (Rachel Carson and Her Sisters and Washington in Spring) which will be available for purchase at the forum.Bio: Robert K. Musil, PhD, MPH is the President and CEO of historic environmental group, the Rachel Carson Council.
Bob Musil, President of the Rachel Carson Council (RCC) and long-time environmental, justice, and peace leader, will talk about the work of the RCC and what secular Americans and modern Christians can do for environmental justice and climate change when there seems to be little cause for hope in the face of increasingly dire scientific predictions. He will also sign copies of two of his books (Rachel Carson and Her Sisters and Washington in Spring) which will be available for purchase at the forum.Bio: Robert K. Musil, PhD, MPH is the President and CEO of historic environmental group, the Rachel Carson Council.
Apr 23, 2023 |
Meet The New Associate Rector with The Rev. Adelyn Tyler -Williams
| The Rev. Adelyn Tyler-WilliamsMeet The New Associate Rector with The Rev. Adelyn Tyler -Williams
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community
of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth,
and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love.
Mar 12, 2023 |
A Spirituality of Repentance and Repair with The Rev. Dr. Joshua Daniel PH.D.
| The Rev. Dr. Joshua DanielA Spirituality of Repentance and Repair with The Rev. Dr. Joshua Daniel PH.D.
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community
of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth,
and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love.
Jan 22, 2023 |
The Future Church with The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin
| The Rev. Ledlie LaughlinThe Future Church with The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin
The Future Church Power Point.pptx
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Jan 15, 2023 |
Growing In Faith Together with Katie McGervey
| Katie McGerveyGrowing In Faith Together with Katie McGervey
Katie McGervey Growing Faith Together Forum January 15, 2023 (Presentation Slides)
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Jan 08, 2023 |
Ray Saurez Annual Advent Affair
|Ray Saurez Annual Advent Affair
Ray Suarez is an American broadcast journalist. In the Fall of 2022 he taught NYU Shanghai.
You can find some of his other projects here:
“The Things I Thought About When My Body Was Trying to Kill Me” about surviving cancer
“On Shifting Ground” -- weekly series about international affairs and
“Going for Broke” the multi award-winning series on struggling with downward mobility in America
“The Things I Thought About When My Body Was Trying to Kill Me” about surviving cancer
“On Shifting Ground” -- weekly series about international affairs and
“Going for Broke” the multi award-winning series on struggling with downward mobility in America
Dec 11, 2022 |
A conversation around affordable housing featuring Alison Dunn-Almaguer
|A conversation around affordable housing featuring Alison Dunn-Almaguer
A conversation around affordable housing featuring Alison Dunn-Almaguer, community organizer with Washington Interfaith Network (WIN), who will discuss the theological grounding of sheltering our neighbor, how WIN first emerged to tackle underlying causes of homelessness, and how affordable housing can change a community.
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Nov 13, 2022 |
Annual Parish Meeting
| The Rev. Ledlie LaughlinAnnual Parish Meeting
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Nov 06, 2022 |
Food Justice with Katy Chang and Alison Powers
|Food Justice with Katy Chang and Alison Powers
Katy Chang, Founder of Eatsplace and Alison Powers, Director of Economic Opportunities at Capital Impact Partners
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Oct 30, 2022 |
The False Gospel of White Christian Nationalism with Jim Wallis
|The False Gospel of White Christian Nationalism with Jim Wallis
Jim Wallis is a writer, teacher, preacher and justice advocate who believes the gospel of Jesus must be transformed from its cultural and political captivities, and always be “good news” to the poor and oppressed. He is a New York Times bestselling author, public theologian, renowned preacher and commentator on ethics and public life.
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Oct 16, 2022 |
Faith & Art with The Rev. Joshua Daniel Ph.D.
| The Rev. Dr. Joshua DanielFaith & Art with The Rev. Joshua Daniel Ph.D.
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Oct 09, 2022 |
Leadership Academy for Social Justice at Walt Whitman High with Dr. Robert W. Dodd and Greg Miller
|Leadership Academy for Social Justice at Walt Whitman High with Dr. Robert W. Dodd and Greg Miller
The forum will feature school leaders from Walt Whitman High School, including Principal Robert Dodd, sharing their journey to create a more equitable, inclusive, and just school environment.
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
Oct 02, 2022 |
Rectors Forum with The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin
| The Rev. Ledlie LaughlinRectors Forum with The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin
Annual forum with The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin, Rector
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG
To make a pledge to support this programming, and the mission and ministry of St. Columba’s in 2023, visit:
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church is a welcoming Christian community of all ages that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. L EA R N M O R E AT COLUMBA.ORG