Vestry's Message
Dear Fellow Parishioners
By adapting and more than just a few leaps of faith, St. Columba’s has survived and thrived through the recent challenging and uncertain times.
We continued to worship, learn, and serve others together. Bold initiatives like our goal to end family homelessness in DC by 2030, the overwhelming parish support for our Refugee Response Ministry and all our outreach ministries demonstrate our response to God’s call to embrace the world. We invested in updated technology to provide and expand access to our worship and educational programs while we were unable to physically be together. Even as we are again worshiping in person, we have an entire online community practicing our faith together.
These investments in our infrastructure and our mission to Live God’s Love have been successful but also require our increased support. Pledges are the largest source of income for St. Columba’s and are essential for the vitality of the church. Pledges account for roughly 80% of the revenue in our budget. Like everyone, we are feeling the pressure of increasing costs. The current annual budget of $3.4 million supports our ministries, pays staff and clergy, maintains our building, and allows us to respond to challenging times.
Your generous pledge is essential to fulfilling our mission.
We are indeed a church on a mission to Live God’s Love, with many hearts and minds and hands and feet, together we are working to make a difference. We are Living God’s Love here at St. C’s and in the wider community where the need is great and where there is so much more to do.
We want to take a spiritual journey together; to experience the peace, the joy, and the community of St. Columba’s….A Leap of Faith together.
With gratitude,
Abigail Gorman, Senior Warden
Sara Glenn, Junior Warden
Vestry Stewardship Statement
October 2022
"Leap of Faith," this year's stewardship campaign theme, reflects our steadfast commitment to ongoing bold initiatives to realize our Strategic Plan and mission to Live God's Love. During the past year, we've invested considerable financial and staff resources to support and expand our worship, learning, and service to others.
Today, St. Columba's is a thriving commun…
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