New to St. Columba's? Let's connect!
Let's Connect!
Learn about our groups and ministries
Welcome to St. Columba’s, an inclusive church on a mission to Live God’s Love! Walk with us during these uncertain times as we encourage spiritual curiosity, celebrate children and youth, and embrace the world in the spirit of God’s justice and love. Whether virtual or in person, we encourage you to dip your toes in and be in touch so we can help connect you with the ministries and opportunities that are meaningful to you.
Want to learn more about how we Live God's Love? Here are some great ways to get to know about us!
- Join us for worship
- In need of assistance? Let us know how we can help.
- Get involved in one of our many engagement opportunities
- Learn more about us and what we believe by taking our Inquirers Class
- See what opportunities we have for children to learn about God
- Our youth & teen programs are perfect for growing your faith.
- To receive St. Columba's weekly e-news, sign up here
- Find a group or class that interests you
We would love to see how St. Columba's can become your faith community, connect with us today.
Let's Connect!
We believe God is always offering love in ever-widening circles of embrace, drawing all people and all creation into one. At St. Columba's we try to reflect and embody God's embrace as we welc… You are already a beloved child of God and belong here, whether you choose to become a member or not. Through baptism, we become members of th…What We Believe
What does it mean to be a member of St. Columba's?
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