The nave repairs are complete and we are open for business!
We are thrilled to announce that the church nave repairs are complete! We are so grateful to all those who contributed to this incredible project, including those who donated, designed, coordinated, constructed, and affirmed this renovation. We are now hosting regular Sunday services within the church nave at 8am and 9am on Sundays. Masks are required, and we ask that you check-in upon arrival.
Environmental Benefits of the Renovation: The renovation completed in 2021 not only restored and beautified the sanctuary but enhanced many environmental features. For example, the new TPO roof uses LEED-certified materials and reflects 80 percent of sunlight, while providing a longer lifespan. Also, energy-efficient LED lights were installed in the nave and narthex, rain barrels were repaired, and a re-bid of landscaping duties for the church is under way. These improvements have reduced costs while reducing the church’s environmental footprint.
Nave Repair Completion Photos
From the Rector's Desk March 12, 2021
Dear Ones,
On behalf of the Wardens and Vestry, I write to share exciting news that we have begun repair work on the Nave. Since my letter on January 4th, we have defined the scope of work, selected contractors, raised funds, and begun the restoration. I am in awe of the commitment, generosity, and dedicated leadership of parishioners and staff in bringing us to this point!
Scope of Work
We have not done substantial work on the nave for at least thirty years. Most of the work addresses much-needed and long-overdue repairs. We anticipate the current repairs will put us in good stead for many years to come. The scope of work includes:
Mortar and stone work – repoint the mortar as needed
Flashing and gutters – repaired or replaced
Roof – the flat roofs over the office and education wings will be replaced
Stained glass windows – the lead work and windows themselves are in very good shape; the wood frames will be repaired with epoxy and, in some cases, fiberglass. Interior windows will be back lit.
Lights – refit the hanging lanterns with adjustable LED lights; replace and install ceiling lights, spot lights, and up lights through-out
Plaster and paint – replaster and paint entire interior as needed
Floor Tiles – replace tiles
Flower Room – replace cabinets and tiles
All aspects of the work are being done according to LEED guidelines. Arguably, the most important thing is to stop water from getting in and prevent continual damage to the plaster. Analysis done by a structural engineer with mortar and roofing experts gives us confidence we are going to resolve this.
The interior and exterior scaffolding necessary to carry out the work is a significant cost. The need for interior scaffolding, removing the pews, and wrapping the organ to protect against dust makes it prudent to undertake all of these projects at the same time.
While we replace failed lights, broken tiles, etc., we will also take advantage of the opportunity for some modest improvements and enhancements; e.g., improved lighting for the choirs, back-lighting the interior stained glass windows, aesthetically pleasing non-slip floor tiles, brighten up the narthex (the entryway between the Nave and the Common), improvements in the flower room, and an improved audio-visual system. Consideration is being given to some modest re-landscaping of the corner lawn at 42nd and Albemarle, with the intention to create a level area for large outside gatherings that could bear witness to and engage the neighborhood.
Costs, Gifts and Funding
Total cost for the work is approximately $2,000,000. Our earlier estimate was before contractors and an engineer had inspected the building and advised us on what needed to be done. With help from a team of parishioners, I reached out to a limited number of parishioners and explained the project and our need to act. thanks to the extraordinary generosity of these parishioners, we have received pledges to cover the entire cost of this project. Look for a future letter expressing our profound thanks! If you wish we had invited you to give, fear not; there will be opportunity for you in the not too distant future. To cover immediate construction costs, we will use funds on hand and take out a low interest construction loan.
Our contractor estimates the work will take approximately five months to complete. Knowing that whenever this work was undertaken, we would need to close the church for a lengthy period, the Vestry and I decided to act now while the Church is closed because of Covid-19. As the vaccine rolls out and the prospect of regathering appears on the horizon, the staff and I are making plans for in-person worship, both with “House Churches” and outdoor worship. More to come on these opportunities.
Labor, Leadership, and Gratitude
All of this is possible because of the hard work and dedicated leadership of a number of people. Anthony Kittrell, our Operations Manager, is steering and coordinating all aspects. The Vestry appointed Don Crane (Master Planning Committee member), John Nolan (Property Committee Chair), and Betsy Oster (Vestry member) to guide and support Tony. Maria Casarella, AIA, is providing architectural assistance and Lane Heard is providing legal counsel. John Nolan and the entire Property Committee are providing invaluable expertise as are Tim Massad, Treasurer, and the Finance Committee. Thanks to Karen Sprague and Bronwyn Roy for supporting finances and giving; and to Anne Timpane and Diane Heath for making alternate arrangements while the organ is literally under wraps.
This is an extraordinary moment in the life of St. Columba’s. To be honest, I am bursting with excitement that we are addressing this long-needed work while the church is closed. I am in awe of the generosity of those whose gifts make this work possible. When meeting with those individuals, I explained that while this truly is a bricks and mortar project, it’s really about the heart of St. Columba’s. The Nave is the place where we experience God gathering us, feeding us, and sending us out. The Nave is where we all come together for the big celebrations and feast days, and for those times when life is hard. All ages, in a great joyful mix. We are nourished by the company of one another, with the sacraments at the table, by the Word of God opened to us, with the songs and music of our hearts, the prayers of stillness, hope, and courage. Once we’ve been gathered and fed, it is from this place that we are sent back out into the fullness of our lives, renewed and blessed, that we may be a blessing to others as we seek to Live God’s Love. Please join us in offering prayers of thanks, as we eagerly anticipate the day when we will be gathered once more in fellowship in person in worship of God.
Check out the photos below, and stay tuned for regular updates.
Peace! Ledlie
Update 8/23/2021
Nave August Update
We’re almost there! Final paint and touchups are happening this week and the floors and doors are being sanded and refinished as we speak. Carpet installation and ductwork cleaning will happen over the next few weeks and we look forward to your return on October 3.
St. Columba's Episcopal Church is an inclusive Christian community of all ages that welcomes one and all, encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrates children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God's justice and love.
We’re glad you’re here. St. Columba’s is a church on a mission to Live God’s Love. Our parish community is a vibrant one that encourages spiritual curiosity, celebrated children and youth, and embraces the world in the spirit of God’s Justice and love.
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